130629 Super Junior Twitter Update: Yesung, Kyuhyun, Henry

Yesung Twitter : “순일이와 마빗에서 ‘커피를마시고’ ..^^”

trans by @WorldwideELFs “with soonil-ie at Mobit ‘drinking coffee’ ..^^”

yesung looks more like his father now~~ lol

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Urban Zakapa soonil replied to Yesung “chatting with Yesung hyung for a whole day… kk”

trans by onlyesung

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Kyuhyun twitter “오늘 음악중심 Trap 사전녹화가 비행기 연착으로 생방송으로 바뀌었습니다.. 생방송은 할 수 있는건가.. 날씨는 괜찮은데 뭐가 기상 악화라는거지.. 다른 비행기들은 왜 뜨고 있는거지.. 괴로워 하고 있는 1인”

trans by @teukables “today’s pre-recording for Trap at music core has been changed to a live performance due to our flight delay.. will I be able to do a live performance.. the weather is okay but they said that there is a bad weather.. why are the other planes taking off.. the one person that is distressed”

kyuhyun is supposed to be at music core with henry~~ oh poor Kyu babe

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Henry Replied ” @Gaemgyu Hyung Come quickly you can make it to the prerecording ..” but he deleted it


Ryeowook replied to Henry and Kyuhyun : “@ryeong9: 에고 헨리 잘했어 ~~^^ 둘다 고생했엉 ~ㅠ 비행기 진짜 …. 확 ㅋㅋ”
Trans by @SuperJuniorUK “Ehgo, Henry you did well ~~^^ the both of you suffered ~ㅠ The aeroplane, really …. hwak ㅋㅋ”

Article by – Umma Sunnie ~

Please take out translations with credits to the original translators.


130531 Super Junior Twitter Updates: Kyuhyun,Yesung, Henry, Kangin, Shindong, Siwon, Donghae & Eunhyuk

Kyuhyun’s Tweet ~ KYA !! KYUTE ~~~ >.<

Trans cr NKSUBS
Hello, this is Cho kyuhyun passenger. soon, at noon, “Love Dust“ i sang for Hwang SungJae Project Super Hero will be released!! i am listening to it right now! kk i will be listening to it on way to Jakarta ^^



Trans Cr : NKsubs

ELF are you doing well?~ im watching you ^^ uploading a present with my apology for May 6th

776693561 776693566

Henry’s Tweet~ Yes sir~

hey strings!!! please vote! harharhar hehehhee


Kangin’s Tweet ~ Hello there, its Shindong ?

Trans Cr : Teukables

Oho arrived in Jakarta (for) Supershow 5~~~who is that beside me ㅋㅋㅋ

BLlX5GGCEAAWjd3.jpg large

Kangin’s Tweet~ xD Idk whether to say take care or laugh ??

Trans cr Teukables

rehearsal shindong fainted ㅋㅋㅋ


Shindong’s Tweet ~ HENRY HWAITING & Kyu I can’t wait to see you dance XD

Trans Cr : Teukables

Shindong’s tweet: SM new solo artist debut!!! Nice teaser!! Hehehe ㅋ Henry_TRAP_MV Teaser (with Kyuhyun & Taemin) http://youtu.be/9RwKKz8vdbw

Siwon’s Tweet ~ So sweet Siwon ~ ❤ OMO IS THAT THE FINGER HOLDER ?!?!

my brother from another mother. IM SO PROUD OF YOU! @henrylau89 keep shining! like a STAR! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RwKKz8vdbw&feature=youtu.be …



Donghae’s Tweet ~ SO CUTE ❤ and supportive ~ hehehe wannabe gansta hae !

Yo !! Henry solo new album !


Eunhyuk’s Tweet ~ well at least your nice to henry lol (did hae force you to be lol)

tran cr teukables




Article by – The Princess Line ~

Please take out translations with credits to the original translators.

130522 Super Junior Weibo Updates [With Trans]: Kyuhyun & Siwon

Kyuhyun’s new Weibo update ~ OMFG I MISSED YOU

Original Post : 你们在干什么?我又疼 T_T

Translation : What are you guys doing ? I am in pain again T_T


Kyuhyun’s new Weibo update ~ Omg poor thing !!! *sends love*

Original Post : T T 已经吃药但是 一直有疼

Translation : T T Already took medication but the pain is still constant

Kyuhyun’s new Weibo update ~ can or can’t understand Pinyin ?

Original Post : 你们用拼音 !我看不懂!!

Translation : You guys use(d) Pinyin ! I can’t understand ! !


Kyuhyun’s new Weibo update ~ I feel you Hun, uni sucks -.-

Original Post : 但是我不能睡觉。。。有大学任务

Translation : But I cannot sleep … (I) have university tasks


Siwon’s new Weibo update ~ … again T_T

Original Post : 人生所需的比起新的道路… 更需要不赖在现在所在之处,毅然拍拍位子站起来的果断.. :^) @ChungMinCho

Translation : The so called new path in life … must not depend on the outside of (ones) current position, (instead,) firmly tapping on the choices made by standing up from that position … :^) @ChungMinCho

Translation by: Admin Carol
Please take Carol’s translations out with credits!!

130225 [SJ WEIBO Update/ trans] Siwon, Eunhyuk & Kyuhyun


4天 歌迷會 都成功了.因為你們的愛和熱情 謝謝大家.. :^) 周覓 說 謝謝大家 ! 馬上見!

4 days worth of fan meeting have all been successful because of your love and passion. Thank you everybody. Zhou Mi says ‘thanks everybody’. Cya soon!


‘3天的台湾 还有 成都的 SJ-M 歌迷会 借宿了!! 谢谢 我们的 笨蛋 ^^ 下次见!!’

Three days of SJ-M fanmeet has concluded !!! Thank you our babos ^^ cya next time’.

TRANS NT: Instead of writing ‘concluded’ he wrote ‘sleepover’


Wo hui qu hanguo~ nimen ye xiao xin hui jia~!!! cheng du de gemimen xia ci women yi ding zai jian mian~~!!!!!! #Weico+#

Photos/ Trans:  Admin Carol

Article by : Admin Vic

Kyuhyun Birthday Project

AusELFs please show your interest in the project, both postcard and donations 🙂 i’ll appreciated if your guys can make any interesting and lovely postcard !! if anyone is interested in, u can send a tweet via twitter or send us an email 😀


“Journey of Music”

Kyuhyun’s birthday project by:

@KyuhyunFacts @GAMEkyulogy @SJnELF @StayTrueToSuju @KYUdom

Korean fansite @__shiningstar__

and Kyuhyun for SPARKYUindo in Facebook


The reason why we choose this project is because we know that Kyuhyun loves visiting beautiful places. He loves holiday! We’d like to present the travel world through his eyes. To show the power of a Postcard to inspire 🙂

So, we invite you to collect postcards from all over the world!

  • The postcards must reflect your country’s or city’s culture, or scenery, or food, or anything unique from your place!
  • You may write your birthday greetings behind your postcard. But remember to keep it short (100 words maximum). You could also do drawing or just write a simple “Happy Birthday” and where you come from. The message must be in English, Korean, or Chinese. We will be translating the messages…

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